Of dates, updates and dates yet to be made in Heaven

First I apologise for my laziness….

I should have succeeded in getting more on to the page. I’ve been absorbed in a long running battle with lawyers and planing authorities over my house. It is indeed a small matter on one level but it’s also a matter of principle that matter’s greatly. The downside of this preoccupation is it has taken away a year of my life and dulled my creative impulse.

This horrid business is not yet done – and I will fight on because wrongs should be corrected especially when purposed by those who ought to know better and those who perforce who should also have the honesty and integrity to admit their errors. The world is full of empty righteousness that means it must always seek to save face by scarring another’s with it blade.

There is much here that needs doing and will now get done. The essays on Holy week have turned into rather an epic I’m afraid and they’ve taken me a long time to write. Perhaps in their composition I am both sorting out what I think and what I believe. They therefore have been worth the trouble. There will probably be one further part.

I will then do all those things long promised – the new recipes page and loads of other things too…

Please be patient.

I also pan to start a regular essay on our forthcoming elections which will start with a retrospect on where we have reached. My problem here is with UKIP and so much else. Until Newark has had its say it is hard to gauge what to think. And ever helpful our LibDem friends have now decided to make matters more bloody than a boxer’s bloody nose and consequently its difficult to see the political landscape though the sea of red. Nevertheless, the hue and cry means I’ll find something to say over the baying of the hounds for dear old Nick Clegg’s blood.


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