News Up-date and news on the site

Apologies to those of you who expected more on the Recipes page than I’ve managed. I plan to put that right over the next week with a determined push and maybe some better organisation….

The galleries are also now almost completed and they will go up shortly….payment of a small fee will ensure any embarrassing moments from your long forgotten past is permanently erased… otherwise watch out for this year’s Christmas Cards…

For those of you who don’t know Richard will shortly be having his first hip replacement…think of him…

My Lenten fast is playing somewhat loose with the rules so I must redouble my efforts to be better at self-denial.

I have finished the Novel ( Friends in Deed)… the third of the Tudor quartet….I’ll put an excerpt up on here and also tidy up the other excerpts –  now I’ve time on my hands. I may also put a sound file up with some recorded highlights…

Future posts will also include a weekly History post….some may be larger entries like the one on Mary I’s (Tudor) marriage…I hope to put one up on King Edward VI by the end of weekend…then I propose to take a look at the big Debate of religion between Bishop Stephen Gardiner ( traditionalist) and Archbishop Cranmer (reformed). Cranmer’s good press from history in part reflects upon the practical outcome of the Reformation. But hindsight isn’t always the most credible or best informed of commentators. And it’s with very good reason that Archbishop Cranmer took Gardiner’s theology  so seriously…as did Cardinal Pole, sometime legate to the council at Trent before being made legate to England and subsequently archbishop of Canterbury in succession to Thomas Cranmer…

Finally there will be another novel on the stocks and another play…a history play…

I hope to start the Novel (Class Acts) after Easter is out of the way and Richard is out of hospital. Then I plan to post here on line as I write it…

Finally thanks to those of you who follow me here and warm wishes for a New Year that until the 1751-2 always began on Lady Day (25th March and the feast of the Annunciation of BVM).

Of this historical past The Tax Year starting in April is the lone remnant. As there was an adjustment of 11 days when we moved from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar in the middle of the eighteenth century the New (Tax) Year slipped forward in to early April…where it has since remained…

At the time this caused riots in London – the mob demanding the government give them back their missing 11 days…..





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